Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Here are two horrible pictures (courtesy of my LG V 9800) of the painting I finished on Monday night. It feel so good to be painting again.

I'll be working on the next one some time this weekend. I'm not starting the weekly officially, yet.

I'll take a nice photo in the next couple of days and write about what I was trying to do and what went right.

Here she is:

Monday, April 28, 2008


you are reading a journal of a man who painted yesterday. It's been 8 months, which could be the longest I've gone without painting in about 10 years. That's weird in that it never felt that long and it was certainly not intentional.

I've got to do day job stuff, but I'll post about why it took so long, how I got back into it and what's next.

For now, here's the work in progress:

Friday, April 11, 2008


Artistic style is what’s left when you take away everything that you can take away.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I've been sketching like a good boy and yesterday and today I used a pencil for the first time in a couple of years. Yes I know that's weird.

Also, in the shower today where all ideas are born, I realized that I should draw what I see and paint what I feel.

Here's a pencil sketch of Stoya:

I'm going to a one day conference dealy tomorrow. No replies until Friday.