Saturday, May 17, 2008


Still recovering from a trip to NYC. For work.

Well, recovered, but now my stomach’s a little wack.

Drew last night. Painting tomorrow.

Have many people to get back to on the internets. Didn’t have much internets access last week.

Hey, take a look at Let me know what you think. I had a lot to do with it.

I’ve been kicking around the idea of making a couple of my upcoming projects plenty collaborative after a combo of being inspired by a presentation i saw last week by Sir George Martin about the creation of Sgt. Pepper and how it reminded my of things I did (on a much smaller scale with much smaller success) to be creative in the past. I’ll have more info here if I move forward with it.

If you want to participate, tell me the name of your favorite Greek Myth.

More tomorrow.

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